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Did you know? Curiosities about Hamburgers

In addition to being irresistible and finger-licking good, hamburgers have some fascinating curiosities. In this post, we present 6 interesting facts about this delicious delicacy that you may not have known.

Undercooked hamburger, a health hazard

The ground beef originally used in hamburgers was largely consumed raw. Today, it has been shown that the consumption of cooked minced meat at medium rare can pose serious health risks. This is due to the presence of bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella on the surface of the meat, resulting from handling in farms and factories. Unlike a traditional cut, such as a steak, where these bacteria would die upon contact with the griddle because they cannot withstand temperatures above 80ºC, when mincing the meat there is a possibility that these bacteria will penetrate the interior. In this case, there is a risk that they may not die completely during cooking. Therefore, it is recommended to consume this type of meat well cooked to avoid possible health problems.

Who was responsible for the massification of hamburgers?

Contrary to popular belief, neither McDonald's nor Burger King holds the title of being the number one fast food hamburger restaurant chain. The true pioneer in this area is White Castle, a fast food franchise with outlets exclusively in the United States.

More than half of the meat consumed in U.S. hotels is hamburger

The classic hamburger represents 71% of the meat served in U.S. commercial hotels.

Hamburgers and World War II

In World War II, the U.S. Government tried to rename this food as "Liberty Sandwich" to avoid any German connotations, since Germany was then the enemy. However, this name failed to gain acceptance.

The most caloric hamburger in the world

The renowned Heart Attack Grill restaurant in Las Vegas serves the Quadruple Bypass Burger, which holds the title of the burger with the highest caloric content. Its components include 4 half-pound portions of beef each, 8 generous slices of American cheese, 20 crispy pieces of bacon, 8 slices of fresh tomato, 20 slices of caramelized onion, along with a tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of ketchup and 1 tablespoon of mustard. The end result is a staggering 9,982 calories.

Perfume of hamburger...?

In 2015, Burger King Japan, limited to just 1,000 units, introduced "Flame Grilled," a body spray with a subtle burger scent reminiscent of its iconic Whopper.